16 results found for response to body image issues


Technologies and resources used in biomarker discovery and development

By Avishek Majumder & Diksha Tomer on August 13, 2018 No Comments

Biomarker development has served as an indicator of disease progression and response to therapeutic intervention. The conventional approach involved the study of molecules (considered as biomarker) in regulatory pathways but with the advent of technologies and resources, the development and discovery of biomarkers gotten easier.

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Classification and application of different biomarkers

By Avishek Majumder & Priya Chetty on July 30, 2018 No Comments

Biomarkers range from a simple molecule to a complex substance; from basics like blood pressure and pulse to a more composite lab tests of various body parts including blood and tissues. However, biomarkers are merely a medical sign like any other. It is one of the most objective and measurable clinical signs a modern laboratory can have.